Want more time to get jacked? Try this...

Let me explain...

One of the biggest problems calisthenics athletes face is distraction.

Along my own calisthenics journey,

I’ve picked up a productivity concept that helped me cut out these distractions for good during my workouts…

And I’m gonna put it in your hands.

Because in reality,

Wasting hours at a time isn’t the real killer of your progress.

What really sucks away time is the “fat” in your life.

All those small time-wasting activities like:

  • Scrolling through your phone every 5 minutes,

  • Falling down YouTube rabbit holes,

  • Or even chatting with your calisthenics partner.

This is known as death by 1000 cuts.

It's making tiny, seemingly harmless actions day after day,

Until you finally realize you're bleeding out.

Not only does this kill your time,

But also breaks your focus.

The solution?

Set up systems.

When I used to do my training,

I’d delete Instagram off my phone as soon as I started working out.

This put a massive roadblock in my way if I ever wanted to waste time on social media.

And you can do something similar.

Whether it’s blocking apps at certain times,

Or leaving your phone at home.

After putting these systems in place in my life,

I got back a monstrous amount of time per week so that I could put more fuel into mastering my calisthenics.

And this is the key to staying concentrated on your calisthenics journey.

It’s about the small actions that add up.

Keep your eyes on the prize.

You’ve got this,

Talk soon,
