How Bruce packed 14 lbs of muscle in 84 days

Sound silly? It's not

Let’s get real for a moment.

What would you do if you mastered calisthenics?

Probably not what you’re doing right now.

You wouldn’t need a gym membership anymore.

You wouldn’t rely on expensive equipment.

Heck, you might not even train indoors until tomorrow.

Needless to say,

Mastering calisthenics would probably make a significant change in your life.

Take a look at Bruce who just in 84 days achieved an anime antagonist physique and melted all his body fat away: 

But how can you achieve similar success with calisthenics as well?

To start and really reprogram yourself to know that it is actually possible to succeed,

I recommend you follow me on IG and start with the foundation, and then we’ll move on together.

That’s it for this one.
