Hot Take: Is Calisthenics Really Superior to the Gym?

here's what I actually think...

Hey mate,

You know every day I have agreements as much as disagreements on what is apparently considered to be a hot take.

So I wanted to share it with you guys:

To me, calisthenics is one of the most underrated ways of working out, period.

I totally understand why people say nothing is better than heavy weights and machines.

But doesn't it finally become high time to take this argument the other way around?

Calisthenics affords amazing balance to the qualities of strength, flexibility, and body control.

You don't build muscles per set; you're in pursuit of mastering your own weight.

Moreover, it would be hard not to love the convenience it provides in terms of training anywhere and anytime without the use of costly equipment or even a gym membership.

Not to say weightlifting doesn't have some merit,

Machines that exercise nearly any imaginable muscle grouping populate gyms, but calisthenics quite literally forces the whole body to engage in each movement,

Making functional strength and agility impossible to copy with just a bicep curl.

So, what do you think?

I believe that calisthenics are winning in this discussion.

They're simple, real, and can be modified for anyone.

I want to know what your thoughts are!

Till next time,
