Why haven’t you joined Calisthenics Bootcamp?

Let’s address the elephant in the room.

Let’s address the elephant in the room.


I noticed you haven’t joined the Ultimate Calisthenics Bootcamp yet.


If you just haven’t had the time, you can get started here.


But if you’re still on the fence…


…I’m going to assume it’s because you’re hesitant to invest the $30 to enroll in the Bootcamp.


I totally understand, it can be scary to invest in yourself.


Now I could go on and on about the importance of investing in yourself.


I could talk about how investing in yourself is the single greatest investment you could ever make…


…And how every successful athlete on the planet has invested thousands into their skillsets and mindsets.


I could even tell you about the hundreds of thousands of dollars I’ve invested in calisthenics courses and creating one myself over the years…


But instead…


Let’s break down the math.


So that you can see just how no-brainer of a decision this is.


Right now, you can enroll in the Bootcamp for one payment of $30(with a 7-day Money Back Guarantee)


Inside the Bootcamp shows you step-by-step how to transform your fitness journey only using Bodyweight Exercises.

(Without the need for a gym!)


This isn’t close to the equivalent of most gym memberships today. 


Every month they’ll withdraw money from your bank account.

I have nothing against them.

But what’s the point if you’re not getting stronger or fitter?


We’ve had people get incredible results in just 84 days.


Like 23-year-old Robert who gained 21lbs of muscle.


So if I showed you…


Exactly how to transform your body…


How to eat accordingly in an enjoyable way…


Then how you can structure your routine with mobility routines, a comprehensive video library, a nutritional guide ebook, and more...


Do you think you could make a change to your body?


Now, I can’t answer that for you…


But I can tell you that everything has already been figured out for you.


All you need to do is follow the plan.


And in just three months you’ll make more progress than you ever had in the gym without constantly paying X amount every month for expensive machines.


So like BodyweightEmpire student Robert who made stunning results.

You could too.


But you have to be willing to make that initial small investment and take the leap of faith.


And you must be willing to follow the plan.


If you can do those two things…


I have no doubt the Ultimate Calisthenics Bootcamp will be 100% worth the investment.


The choice is yours.



- BodyweightEmpire