3 Calisthenics Tips to Build Strength and Flexibility

One of the biggest mistakes when starting calisthenics is diving right in, doing too much too soon, 

Leading to feelings of frustration, injuries, and burnout. 

So, here are three tips that helped me build strength and flexibility without ever getting disheartened: 

 1. Master Basics 

Get started with the basics like push-ups, pull-ups, and squats. 

These simple exercises not only create a strong foundation but are easy to progress once you get stronger.  

 2. Be Consistent

Daily effort beats occasional intense workouts because consistency forms a habit and moves you further. 

Even 10-15 minutes a day is all that it takes to start making it a habit over time. 

3. Listen to Your Body 

The more you push, the more you will feel and know your limits. 

So on the day you get hurt or feel some discomfort, then rest. 

Let your body have some time to recover and grow back stronger.

Always warm up and stretch to avoid injuries.

Hopefully, these tips will help you get back on track or get started.

